Standyby Sucks!

First of all being on standby for 35 days is no picnic. I can't buy groceries, I can't really plan to meet my friends when they are free, I can't go home!!!!!!!
This is how it works:
We don't have a roster for 35 days which means we have to wait to see what we get as the days come.
Not a nice feeling
So far this month, I have been to Kenya, London,Scotland and Sri Lanka.
Yes I know I should be really grateful.
I am. I just miss my cat and my hubby...( is that so wrong?!)
So in the mean time I have been catching up with my friend Emilie from Singapore and we have been watching the latest episodes of desperate housewives and I did manage to get some DVD's from Colombo which isn't so bad. I even let the salesguy coax me into buying Prison Break Seasons 1 & 2. I haven't started yet. In fact I just watched the end of Grey's Anatomy Season 3 and I feel like knocking Meredith's head, I even feel like kicking Christina Yang's Ass. I loved all of it though!... Made me use up my kleenex tissue box and it made me appreciate my life here. At least I don't have to wake up tomorrow and slice someones chest open!
Ok enough about my tv shows. I have been feeling really happy these few days. Can you believe its been a month already!
That's all. I need to sleep now. I have an early standby tomorrow starting from 6am.
I am so going to kill anyone whom reports sick (unless it's a KL flight!)
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