Wednesday, November 30, 2005

11 yr old

I miss my cat more and more everyday!
This kitty sleeps very comfortably and is so lucky because she has the whole house to herself and as you can see, she is quite fleshy and is about 5-6 kilos depending on what she does for the day. I spent the whole day at home once and she didnt even go out to go poop!
She can just hybernate in the room and sometimes I get worried when she doesnt drink any water... One thing that I love about her is that she always answers when you call her. When VJ marah her, she'll curl up and bows down minta kesian...she's so obedient that she will wait till VJ says its OK to even move a muscle. As adorable as she looks I really kasian her. I'll take a picture of her when I go back to KL then I'll post it then you'll be able to see what I mean...Ok la I think I've updated my blog too many times in two days..I'm so sleepy la now. Gdnite


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